Thursday, July 16, 2020

Another Press Fail

This is typical of the press's reaction to McEnany's comments on schools reopening:

This taking a quote out of context is the kind of thing that bolsters DJT's bogus claim that the press is "fake news".
After saying "the science should not stand in the way", McEnany went on to refer to a pediatric study to support her claim that "the science is on our side here.”  
Even though the study she quoted is of dubious validity in the context of the spread of COVID-19 - nevertheless, she was not saying science should be disregarded - she was just cherry picking what science she wanted regarded.  
Or, to summarize, she was saying:  "the science should not stand in the way of school re-opening, because the science supports reopening."

But the press is just jumping on just one part of her full statement.

The study McEneny referenced purported to show that infected kids had a mild response to COVID-19, comparable to everyday flu.
A smart follow up question would have been:  "Maybe, but how does that affect the concern that kids could take the infection home to more vulnerable adults?"

Let's hope follow up articles are on the lines of "Here's the study the Trump administration is relying on to support its policy", along with an analysis of the quality of the study, whether later events called it into question, and so whether the administration is justified in basing policy on it. i.e. responsible journalism.  

Update 7/17/2020

The New Yorker piles on.