From the
Not only did the president ask a foreign government to intervene in a presidential election by digging up dirt on a political opponent, .............Mr. Trump appears to have used hundreds of millions of dollars in military assistance to pressure a foreign leader to act as the head of his opposition-research unit.
Note the expression "digging up dirt". This same expression has been used multiple times by multiple news outlets. The implication is that there is "dirt" to be found, and the constant repetition can only condition readers and viewers - i.e. voters - to believe that somehow Joe Biden is guilty of some unnamed corruption. This mindless spreading of a false trope is, I'm afraid, rather typical of our uncritical press.
How should the NYT and others described the request from DJT to Zelensky? How about something along these lines:
Not only did the president ask a foreign government to intervene in a presidential election by looking into alleged corruption by Mr. Joe Biden and his son Mr. Hunter Biden (allegations that have long been debunked) ...................Mr. Trump appears to have used hundreds of millions of dollars in military assistance to pressure a foreign leader to act as the head of his opposition-research unit.
See how easy it is to provide good information to readers, rather than mindlessly spreading Trump's propaganda?